clean YA fiction for
young women of faith
by Ashley Mays
What is a fierce young woman of faith?
She is …
Friends with Jesus*
Emotionally Healthy
Relationally Smart
Continually Growing
Engaged with Her Community
* Not interested in Jesus right now? That’s okay! You’re welcome here, and I’m glad to have you. My fiction is faith-friendly, but you certainly don’t have to follow Jesus to enjoy it or to be my friend.
Who am I?
So glad you asked!
I’m Ashley Mays.
I write clean YA fiction for fierce young women of faith. And sometimes I write non-fiction too if the project tugs on my heartstrings.
I’ve been writing books since fourth grade, creating whatever strikes my fancy since forever, and trying my best to make a living from those things for the last two decades or so.
Thanks for being here!
Who am I?

So glad you asked!
I’m Ashley Mays.
I write clean YA fiction for fierce young women of faith. And sometimes I write non-fiction too if the project tugs on my heartstrings.
I’ve been writing books since fourth grade, creating whatever strikes my fancy since forever, and trying my best to make a living from those things for the last two decades or so.
Thanks for being here!

Like fun treats at the end of the week?
Then you’ll love Inbox Confetti.
Inbox Confetti is an email newsletter crammed full of things worth celebrating and usually delivered on the first Friday of every month. There’s clickable confetti, interviews with fierce women who are making waves and being awesome, and a heads-up on new books hitting the shelves.
Join the party, and get the first three chapters of my book The Great Date Experiment in your Inbox for free. Yay!
NOTE: Inbox Confetti is on hiatus right now as other things have taken priority. You can still sign up, though, and when it makes its comeback, we’ll celebrate together!